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roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community
roundhouse garden community


We were first asked to get involved in this project in January 2021 when the client, a charity, received some funding to get a landscape design undertaken to redevelop the site, mainly to make it more accessible by installing pathways for wheelchair and pushchair users, and build an amphitheatre area to hold events and workshops. We put them in touch with a landscape architect we have worked with previously During...

We were first asked to get involved in this project in January 2021 when the client, a charity, received some funding to get a landscape design undertaken to redevelop the site, mainly to make it more accessible by installing pathways for wheelchair and pushchair users, and build an amphitheatre area to hold events and workshops. We put them in touch with a landscape architect we have worked with previously

During the design process, we had a lot of involvement in working with the architect including site meetings, as they wanted our input on what would work in practice, due to the steepness of the slope. Cost was important, as most of the works were going to be funded by grants. We agreed that a hoggin path would be the most cost-effective solution for access

Once the design was completed, we tendered for and won the contract to install the first phase that they had received funding for. This was primarily changing ground levels and redistributing soil, creating hoggin paths, forming an amphitheatre area, and seating made from sleepers, plus gabion wall installation 

In phase 2 of the works, some of the planting was done by Elmtree, others done by volunteers, and some by a mixture of the two, with us supervising the volunteers

Meeting Client Expectation

This project was a true community project. We got involved before the tender, by donating labour to clear the site and cut down bramble. We also arranged to attend on volunteer days to supervise bulb and shrub planting so the whole community were engaged and took ownership of the project

It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Elmtree. The knowledge, guidance and support we have received has been outstanding. We have really valued their expertise on the project and we have been really satisfied with the outcome and have now formed an ongoing relationship. Elmtree were also really flexible with the constraints around funding timescales and offered lots of volunteering time so we could get the job complete. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with them

Kirsty Hammond – Heart of BS13 Climate Action Development Practitioner 

We feel very privileged to have been asked by Paul Lynch/Elmtree to design the landscape to the Roundhouse.

It has been the most the delightful project that we have worked on for many years, working together with a lovely client and great contractor, and mucking in with volunteers on occasion.

The site is a hidden gem and feels as happy as the process was to complete it. No doubt the fruits already growing and newly planted on site, together with the herbs (and saffron crocus) will be put to good use in the new outdoor kitchen.

The perennial lawn tiered seating has been designed using very low growing species such as mint, thyme, daisy, Irish moss, chamomile etc that can tolerate light pedestrian traffic but will be wonderfully fragrant to sit on to watch a performance.

Michele Lavelle Dip LA CMLI MA T&CP Dip UD 4D Landscape Design

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